
I'm dedicating this blog to my mom who inspires me every single day
Almost thirty and on a mission! A mission to learn our family recipes and have them turn out nearly as good as my mother’s. I’ll be blogging my experience in hopes that others who have felt overwhelmed with cooking complicated dishes may feel inspired to give it a go.

This is also for my friends who have enjoyed my mother’s cooking in the past and wondered how it’s done. My name is Arineh Khachatoorians and I’m of Armenian descent. My family and I immigrated from Tehran, Iran (my birthplace) to Los Angeles, California when I was two. My parents, also Armenian, were raised on heavily Persian influenced cuisine, which is full of spices, herbs and seasonings that create a complexity of flavors.

There are definite staples in the cuisine, such as pilaf (rice) and stews, which I will tackle, as well as recipes my mother has adapted herself that pull from other cultures. When it comes to following recipes, I’m that person who will pass on any recipe book with little to no photographs. Let’s face it, I’m a visual learner and when it comes to recipes, I’d like to know what the process should look like. My approach here is to provide photographs for key steps, giving reassurance to the visual learners among us.

Thanks for reading... and enjoy!

xo arineh

From my mom's garden

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