Sunday, February 23, 2014

History & Use of Saffron

We use saffron frequently for cooking but I realized I didn’t know much about its origins. Naturally, I went to Wikipedia for information. Below are some key points from the website but if you’re interested in more, you can always reference the article on Wikipedia.

Saffron is spice that comes from the flower of Crocus sativus and believed to be first cultivated in Greece before it spread over continents. The spice is derived from the three crimson stigmas of the dried flower. The use of saffron dates back approximately 4,000 years and has been used for medicine, seasoning, fragrances and dye for textiles. Saffron has a sweet aromatic scent and adds a beautiful yellow-orange color to foods. As a seasoning, saffron is widely used in Indian, Persian, European, Arab, and Turkish cuisines. As medicine, there is research to support that saffron helps with depression, is an anticarcinogenic (cancer-suppressing) and has antioxidant properties. Saffron has been and still is one of the world’s most expensive substances. A small amount in the United States can cost about $20. Currently, Iran produces about 90% of the saffron in the world.

Saffron has been and still is one of the world’s most expensive substances. A small amount in the United States can cost about $20. Currently, Iran produces about 90% of the saffron in the world.
As we use a very small amount in cooking, I think the extra flavor it adds is worth the cost. It stores for years and it’s easy to incorporate in cooking. I’ll show you how to prepare saffron water in my next post.

xo arineh

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